Unsane Radio 0253 – The Name of the Rose

Your cloistered hosts come out of meditation to discuss the 1986 film NAME OF THE ROSE starring Sean Connery, Christian Slater and Ron Perlman based on the novel by Umberto Eco and directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud. Connery plays William of Baskerville, a friar who investigates a series of deaths in a remote abbey in 1327. Shades of Sherlock Holmes? Indubitably! It’s Unsane therapy of the medieval kind.

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Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: EXIT project – Fairy Tale
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0252 – Saint Nicholas Cageless

Your Yule skewed hosts jump into the Dutch holiday dark comedy/horror movie ST. NICK or SINT (2010). Rictal grins sold separately.

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Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Wee Freekz

Intro/outro: Langax Void Netlabel Day 2022 Soisloscerdos Mini Compilation
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0251 – Guardians of the Galaxy

Your space faring hosts talk about the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY trilogy.

Unsane Radio Website
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Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Psilodump – Mutiny of the Robots – Du Finns
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0249 – Living In Oblivion

Your hosts jump into a discussion of the indie film LIVING IN OBLIVION (1995) written and directed by Tom DiCillo and starring Steve Buscemi, Catherine Keener, Dermott Mulroney and James Le Gros. It’s a comedy about making an indie film.

Unsane Radio Website
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Psycho Cinema on You Tube
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: EXIT project – Struggle Within
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0247 – Long Pig Roast

Your hosts embark on a journey into the Old West this week as they talk about a movie called BONE TOMAHAWK (2015 ) starring Kurt Russell. It’s a crazy western tale of rescue that turns into a waking nightmare for the rescue party led by Russell. It’s Prime Unsane therapy this week that you won’t want to miss.
Explicit content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
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Psycho Cinema on You Tube
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Pharmacy Orchestra – Newton’s Spiral
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0246 – Where the White Buffalo Roam

Your buckskin-wearin’ hosts travel to the Old West as they discuss THE WHITE BUFFALO (1977), starring Charles Bronson as Wild Bill Hickok and Will Sampson as Crazy Horse. They form a temporary alliance to hunt the near-mythical giant white buffalo. It’s Unsane Therapy of the American kaiju kind.
Explicit content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
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Psycho Cinema on You Tube
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Slatrium – Spherikal
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0245 – The Unholy Hole

Your mime-loving hosts bring forth a silent film THE UNHOLY THREE (1925) directed by Tod Browning and starring Lon Chaney Sr. This was the first collaboration between Browning and Chaney. It’s Unholy therapy of the Unsane kind.
Explicit content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on You Tube
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: RockMeister – Luminous Plankton Breathing Ocean
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0244 – Okay…Okay… DISAPPOINTED!!!

Your hosts lighten the load this week with a comedy, A FISH CALLED WANDA (1988). It’s written by John Cleese and Charles Crichton, directed by John Cleese and Charles Crichton and stars John Cleese…and Michael Palin…and Jamie Lee Curtis…and Kevin Kline. What was that middle part again?

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on You Tube
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freekz

Intro/outro: Psilodump – The Night I Lost You All You All – Feign Embrace
Background: Sneakmachine

Unsane Radio 0243 – Andromeda Strainer

Your mask wearing hosts open the space can of worms as they talk about the movie THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN (1971), based on the book by Michael Crichton, written by Michael Crichton and Nelson Gidding and directed by Robert Wise. It’s an unnerving journey through the horrors of space viruses coming to Earth and the military-industrial complex. Bring yer own haz mat suits to this one.
Explicit content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on You Tube
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Psilodump – The Droidwhatever EP – Poor Droidcat
Background: Sneak Machine