Unsane Radio 0263 – Body Melt

Your hosts venture down under for this therapy session as they talk about the Australian horror/comedy movie BODY MELT (1993). Residents of peaceful Pebbles Court, Homesville, are being used unknowingly as test experiments for a new body drug that causes rapid body decomposition as well as some other, um, strange occurrences, and painful death graphically portrayed throughout the movie. It’s Unsane gore served up Aussie-style.

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Intro/Outro: Psilodump – Sanguine – 03 It’s Down
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0262 – Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am!

It’s Wing It Time in the ol’ Asylum as your hosts talk about whatever comes into their minds. It’s a freeform romp of the Unsane variety.

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Tarr and Fether’s Website
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Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT

Intro/outro: CryoChkpt Ch-Resources Dennis
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0261 – Video Store Memories

Your “Be Kind – Rewind” hosts travel back to the days when video stores were popular and ubiquitous, where you could rent VHS tapes then, later on, DVDs. It was an Unsane time of discovery that is no more. No late fees were incurred in making this episode.

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Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
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Intro: Pushiro – Collecting Shit
Background: Sneak Machine
Outro: Pushiro – Drop the Kontrabas – Bad Ass

Unsane Radio 0260 – DUST

Your electronically enhanced hosts take a virtual trip to the YouTube channel DUST. They discuss the channel in general and also review eight movies on the channel. It’s great Unsane therapy of the sci fi kind.

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Tarr and Fether’s Website
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Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Dust YT

Intro/Outro: Skruvmejsel – Planet 54 – Psilodump Remix
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0259 – Strawberry Mansion

Your somnambulary hosts embark on a surreal journey as they talk about STRAWBERRY MANSION (2021), a film written and directed by Kentucker Audley and Albert Birney. It’s a strange romp through the realm of dreams where nothing is as it seems. Perfect Unsane therapy. Just don’t close your eyes!

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Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
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Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT

Intro/Outro: Psilodump-Follow_the_Leaders
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0258 – Don’t Squat With Your Spurs On

Your south of the Pecos hosts put on their chaps and cowboy boots so they can talk about western movies in general and some of their favorites in particular. It’s a roundup fit for an Unsane therapy session. Git along little dogies, git along.

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Psycho Cinema YT
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Cowboy Music (Archive.org)
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0257 – We’re Doing Wells, How’s You’s?

Your verbose hosts open up the flood gates in this therapy session as they talk about the movies made from stories penned by H. G. Wells, touching on such adaptations as WAR OF THE WORLDS (both versions), THE TIME MACHINE (both versions), THE INVISIBLE MAN, just to name a few. It’s a rollicking good time and a near perfect Unsane therapy session.
“Not to go on all fours; that is the Law. Are we not Men?”

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Tarr and Fether’s Website
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Psycho Cinema YT
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: EXIT project – Struggle Within
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0256 – Memento Loaf

Your note-taking hosts rack their brains as they talk about MEMENTO (2000), the story of Leonard who has no short term memory. And he’s trying to solve the murder of his wife, which is where he lost his short term memory through a massive bump on the noggin. It’s Christopher Nolan at his best at keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. It’s classic (memorable) unsane therapy. As Teddy would put it, “Fugedaboutit!”
Explicit content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
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Psycho Cinema YT
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Psilodump – Return of the Snabelnauts – Snable Space
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0255 – “Triple Trouble”

Your intrepid hosts dive into the unique world of The Residents band as they talk warm and tenderly about their latest film exploration TRIPLE TROUBLE (2022) written and directed by The Residents, a wild romp through the fevered brain of an ex-priest who ends up worshipping a fungus. Yes, a fungus. It’s disturbing therapy that only the Residents and Unsane Radio can provide. No eyeballs were harmed in the making of this episode.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema YT
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Psilodump-Senki_Otus
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0254 – Asteroid City

Your earthbound stellar hosts fly into the movie that is ASTEROID CITY (2023) directed by Wes Anderson and written by Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola.
“I highly recommend this episode of Unsane Radio.” Samaritan

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema YT
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast FB
Heavy Metal Horror Podcast YT
Wee Freekz

Intro/Outro: Paza Rham-trampoline trick divers in 0 gravity
Background: Sneak Machine