Unsane Radio 0069 – Kung Foolery

The mojo in the dojo is oh so slo-mo as your concantenating hosts Midnight Gadfly, Dr. Tarr, Bleu Fez, Dr. Head and Professor Fether practice their form as they discuss Kung Fu movies. It’s metaphorical roundhouse kick therapy at the Unsane asylum, grasshopper.

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Psycho Cinema on Vimeo
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freakz on FB

Intro Music: Psilodump
Background: SneakMachine
Outro: Psilodump

Unsane Radio 0067 – Spear & Magic Helmet

Your hosts with the most… things a doctor can’t cure… Dr. Head, Midnight Gadfly, Bleu BWAAAANNG! Fez, Professor Fether and Dr. Tarr reach way back into their childhoods to talk about cartoons, animation, and anime. It’s an excursion into Unsane Therapy that you don’t want to miss. Flip books not included.

Intro: Dorothy’s Magic Bag
Background: Sneak Machine
Outro: Psilodump

Unsane Radio 0066 – Make-Up Sex: Apologies Before and After

Your artificially beautified hosts Bleu Fez, Dr. Head, The Midnight Gadfly, Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether embark on a lively discussion of visual and special FX in horror and science fiction. It’s a colorful therapy session fit for Unsane Inmates. Latex optional.

Unsane Radio WebsitePsycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on Vimeo
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freakz on FB

Intro: Psilodump
Background: Sneak Machine
Outro: Psilodump

Unsane Radio 0064 – Dudley Manlove Story

Your somnambulant hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, The Midnight Gadfly, Dr. Head and the Bleu Fez enter into a discussion of the films “The Manster” and “Creation of the Humanoids.” Neither one has anything to do with Dudley Manlove. That’s unsane therapy for you!

Unsane Radio WebsitePsycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on Vimeo
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freakz on FB

Intro: Psilodump
Background: Sneak Machine
Outro: Psilodump

Unsane Radio 0063 – Bonhomie and Clyde

Your time-traveling hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, The Midnight Gadfly, Dr. Head and Bleu Fez slip from the psychedelic ’60s into the Funky ’70s with another installment of “A History of Horror Films.” It’s gritty therapy of the unsane kind. Ed Gein would be proud.

Unsane Radio Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on Vimeo
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freakz on FB

Intro: Psilodump
Background: Sneak Machine
Outro: Psilodump