Unsane Radio 0149 – History of Horror 1992-93

Your time-adled hosts continue their journey through the History of Horror Films as they discuss the horror movies made in 1992 and 1993. It’s an eclectic blend of the superb with the barely tolerable. A perfect therapy session.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on Vimeo
Mark Justice Writer FB
Wee Freekz FB

Intro: Psilodump – Never Heal – 08 Sycophant
Background: Sneak Machine
Outro: Pavel Fomitchov – Kama Sutra

Unsane Radio 0037 – They Plump When You Cook ’em

Your inimitable hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly move on at a snail’s pace with their series The History of Horror in Film. This episode covers the years 1960 through 1962, a very dense three years on the horror movie scene. Yes, it’s a jam-packed therapy session just for you, fellow Inmates!
Explicit content.

Horror Film History Website – 1960s Horror

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine
Dorothy’s Magic Bag

Unsane Radio 0034-Dr Head Pays a Visit

Your uber horror hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, The Midnight Gadfly and splatter western author Mark Justice drive into the History of Horror: 1951-1957. Commies. Korea. Hot rods. Drive In theaters. Crabs, creatures, and teen monsters. It’s all there, cool cats, and the ride is a good one.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine