Episode 0270 – Godzilla Minus One

Your kaiju-loving hosts head to post-war Japan for this week’s therapy session as they talk about GODZILLA MINUS ONE (2023). It’s Unsane therapy of the big monster kind. Go go Godzilla!

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Intro/Outro: Lithis – Happy Pet Snail
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0269 – Drive Angry

Your road hog hosts burn up the pavement as they talk about the Nicholas Cage movie DRIVE ANGRY (2011). Nick Cage and Amber Heard go on a very strange road trip of rescue and revenge. This is where the rubber meets the asphalt, Unsane style.

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Intro/Outro: Blotted Science – The Machinations of Dementia – Laser Labotomy
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0268 – The Killing

Your compendious hosts take on the Stanley Kubrick film “THE KILLING” (1956) in this week’s episode. It’s the ultimate heist movie starring Sterling Hayden and Elisha Cook. It’s Unsane gritty therapy brought to you in shades of black and white.

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Intro/Outro: Ray Anthony – The Young Man With The Horn – Harlem Nocturne
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0267 – Roger Corman

Your precipitate hosts talk about one of the all-time greats of the film industry (especially the B movie industry) ROGER CORMAN who recently left us, but left us with such a legacy! This is pure pleasurable therapy Unsane style.

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Intro/Outro: BCryoChkpt-Resources-Paulina Cewe
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0266 – David Mamet’s Homicide

Your hard-boiled hosts take a journey following a homicide detective (Joseph Montegna) who has an identity crisis as he investigates the murder of an elderly Jewish woman who ran a candy store in HOMICIDE (1991) written and directed by David Mamet. It’s the gritty side of the city that sucks the detective down a hole that he was not prepared to enter, making him question who he is. This is prime Unsane therapy David Mamet style.

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Intro/Outro: Acid Planet Compilation – MSG2
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0265 – Dave Made a Maze

Your corrugated hosts jump into the therapy box for this week’s session as they talk about DAVE MADE A MAZE (2017), a surreal romp (literally) through a maze that artist Dave creates in his living room. Only this maze takes on a life of its own as reality is turned on its head when Dave’s girlfriend and other friends climb into the maze to find the artist lost in the maze.

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Intro/Outro: Psilodump – Sanguine – It’s Down
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0264 – Addams Family Feud

Your bombastic hosts delve into the wonderful world of the Addams Family as they talk about the TV series, the movies, the animated series and the WEDNESDAY series. Come on people, time to snap yer fingers along with the crew in this Unsane therapy session. Ain’t no big Thing!

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Intro/Outro: Dorothy’s Magic Bag
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0263 – Body Melt

Your hosts venture down under for this therapy session as they talk about the Australian horror/comedy movie BODY MELT (1993). Residents of peaceful Pebbles Court, Homesville, are being used unknowingly as test experiments for a new body drug that causes rapid body decomposition as well as some other, um, strange occurrences, and painful death graphically portrayed throughout the movie. It’s Unsane gore served up Aussie-style.

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Intro/Outro: Psilodump – Sanguine – 03 It’s Down
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0262 – Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am!

It’s Wing It Time in the ol’ Asylum as your hosts talk about whatever comes into their minds. It’s a freeform romp of the Unsane variety.

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Tarr and Fether’s Website
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Intro/outro: CryoChkpt Ch-Resources Dennis
Background: Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0261 – Video Store Memories

Your “Be Kind – Rewind” hosts travel back to the days when video stores were popular and ubiquitous, where you could rent VHS tapes then, later on, DVDs. It was an Unsane time of discovery that is no more. No late fees were incurred in making this episode.

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Tarr and Fether’s Website
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Intro: Pushiro – Collecting Shit
Background: Sneak Machine
Outro: Pushiro – Drop the Kontrabas – Bad Ass