Episode 0020 – That Was Almost A Joke

Your hyperbolic hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly talk TV. THE BOYS, to be specific, both the Amazon Prime series and the comic book. Professor Fether opens the briefcase to ROSEMARY’S BABY (1968) and lets the devil out of the bag. It’s a “prime” therapy session 2X Bonus day all the way.

Music by Psilodump and Sneak Machine

Website: Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema
Tarr and Fether on Vimeo

FB – Psycho Cinema

Unsane Radio 0019 – Brought to you by Jello

Your indomintable hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly discuss Nick Cage in the Actor’s Spotlight this week. Keeping with Cage, the Movie Spotlight is the whacked out film MANDY (2018). Another good therapy episode brought to you by jello! HEY HEY HEY!!

Music by Psilodump and Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema
FB – Psycho Cinema

Unsane Radio 0016 – Lucille Ballbusting

In which your hosts Professor Fether, Dr. Tarr and The Midnight Gadfly continue with The History of Horror in Film (yes, they are still in the 1940s!), Dr. Tarr opens the Briefcase to talk about BLOOD OF DRACULA’S CASTLE (1969), and Gadfly breaks tradition (can we have tradition at this early time in our ramblings?) and opens his Briefcase to talk about EVERY OTHER DAY IS HALLOWEEN (2009), a documentary about our good friend Dick Dyszel, AKA Count Gore de Vol. It’s another jam packed therapy session straight from the Asylum. You don’t want to miss it.

Music by Psilodump , Seithennin71 and Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema
FB – Psycho Cinema

Unsane Radio 0015 – You’re not Fether

Your hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly continue their History of Horror Films. It’s another jam-packed therapy session!

Music by Psilodump and Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema
FB – Psycho Cinema

Unsane Radio 0013 – Beaucoup Fromage

Your trendy trio of hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, and The Midnight Gadfly continue their History of Horror in Film. This time they discuss the films made from 1935 – 1939 with some of the iconic 1930s monster movies starting with THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. Following that, they talk about KONG: SKULL ISLAND, the new Captain Marvel movie (there is a tie there, too) and Captain Marvel in comic books. Tarr’s pick of the week is THE WOLF MAN (2010). Things start to jump around from there. Oliver Reed. Michael Dunn. The John Wayne Walk. Now that’s therapy!