Unsane Radio 0029 – The Best Entertainment You’re Gonna Get For Nothin’

UR 29

Straight from the Cinema Wasteland in Cleveland Ohio, your ebullient hosts, Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and the Midnight Gadfly talk about the movie The Sorcerers starring Boris Karloff, Ian Ogilvy, and Catherine Lacey. A short but sweet therapy session, we get in, we get out, we get help.


Bruno Maderna
Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0025 – One Thing Leads to Another…

Your hoary hosts (not of Hoggath) Dr. Tarr, Profess Fether and The Midnight Gadfly discuss the movies based on the novella “Who Goes There?” Things that go bump in the ice. They end the episode with another round of WIG OFF, the trivia contest between Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether. It’s a fine thing of a therapy session. Come along for the ride – just watch who’s next to you! Explicit Content.

Music by Psilodump and Sneak Machine

Website: Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema
Tarr and Fether on Vimeo
FB – Psycho Cinema

Unsane Radio 0023 – Peripheral Vision

Straight from the future, for the future is where we live, Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly start Science Fiction September talking about some of their favorite science fiction films. Each presents four movies. Chaos sometimes ensues. Explicit Content.

Music by Psilodump and Sneak Machine

Website: Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema
Tarr and Fether on Vimeo
FB – Psycho Cinema

Unsane Radio 0022 – We have more Uncles than our parents have brothers

Your high flying hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly jump in the Way Back machine for another blast from the past that will lead us into SCIENCE FICTION SEPTEMBER. This time they present an interview with the infamous Uncle Roy Hoggins. that Professor Fether did in the mid 2000’s. This one is definitely not for the kiddies. But it is very funny. Enjoy!

Music by Psilodump , The Amino Acids, The KB Experience, and Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
FB – Psycho Cinema

Unsane Radio 0021 – RetroSexual Fido

Your hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, and The Midnight Gadfly take you on a special journey this time around. They jump in the Way Back Machine to the year 2006 to present one of their first attempts at podcastery. This, fellow Inmates, is episode 3 of UNSANE THEATER. This is the first of some blasts from the past while your hosts prepare for SCIENCE FICTION SEPTEMBER.

Music by Psilodump and Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
FB – Psycho Cinema