Unsane Radio 0041 – C.annibalistic H.umanoid U.terine D.wellers

My dog’s farts smell like Chef Boyardee’s pizza sauce, and they are just as phonetic! Your hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, The Midnight Gadfly and Mark Justice jump into the science fiction realm this time around with two movies. First up is ANNIHILATION (2018), followed by C.H.U.D. (1984). It’s definitely an episode that is prime therapy with a few laughs strewn along the winding — and sometimes bloody — path.
Explicit Content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on Vimeo

Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0040 – It’s A Succubus Chirren

This week’s asylum-cast Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly finally wrap up the 1960s in their ongoing, although a bit sporadic, History of Horror in Films. They cover 1967 through 1969. They also manage a plug for their latest Psycho Cinema episode “QUEST FOR URANUS” a Cyclops Movies production. It was indeed a Night of the Lively Dead and one almost perfect therapy session.
Explicit Content as usual.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter
Psycho Cinema on Vimeo

Sneak Machine

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Unsane Radio 0039 – Is Your Mind Tasty?

Your ineluctable hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly are STUCK IN THE 1960s! Yes, fellow Inmates The History of Horror Movies has finally made it into the mid 1960s. This episode covers 1965-1966. Boy, were the ’60s rife with horror films. Never fear, though, therapy abounds as usual here on UNSANE RADIO!
Explicit content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine
Dorothy’s Magic Bag

Unsane Radio 0038 – Your scruples are too limber

Your mercurial hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly continue with the History of Horror, the 1960s. Yes, they are still in the 1960s. Hmm…TIMESLIP? You be the judge! Therapy at its cryptic best.
Explicit Content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine
Dorothy’s Magic Bag

Unsane Radio 0037 – They Plump When You Cook ’em

Your inimitable hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and The Midnight Gadfly move on at a snail’s pace with their series The History of Horror in Film. This episode covers the years 1960 through 1962, a very dense three years on the horror movie scene. Yes, it’s a jam-packed therapy session just for you, fellow Inmates!
Explicit content.

Horror Film History Website – 1960s Horror

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine
Dorothy’s Magic Bag

Unsane Radio 0036 – The Angle of your Dangle

The erudite (definition: BULL SH*T ARTISTS) Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, The Midnight Gadfly and eclectic author Mark Justice discuss Tobe Hooper in the Director’s Spotlight this week. Then they delve into the decidedly weird world of the movie THE GREASY STRANGLER. It’s a most profound therapy session that will probably leave you wanting even more therapy. What more could one ask for?
Explicit content.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine
Dorothy’s Magic Bag

Unsane Radio 0035 – Blob Mentality and Mummy’s Little Helper

Your intrepid hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, The Midnight Gadfly, and author Mark Justice finish up the History of Horror – 1950s. It’s a lively discussion that manages to veer off into discussions of other movies not from the 1950s. But it all ties together in that warped way this crew can conjure. Top notch therapy that you don’t want to miss.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine

Unsane Radio 0034-Dr Head Pays a Visit

Your uber horror hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether, The Midnight Gadfly and splatter western author Mark Justice drive into the History of Horror: 1951-1957. Commies. Korea. Hot rods. Drive In theaters. Crabs, creatures, and teen monsters. It’s all there, cool cats, and the ride is a good one.

Unsane Radio Website
Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema Website
Psycho Cinema FB
Unsane Radio FB
Unsane Radio Twitter

Sneak Machine