Unsane Radio 0026 – Cuarón and on, Iñárritu soon

Your geeky hosts Dr. Tarr, Professor Fether and Midnight Gadfly wrap up Science Fiction September by discussing the most influential science fiction movie makers (plus nods to some others who aren’t necessarily in the sci fi realm). It’s a month end free-for-all that rockets to every quadrant of the science fiction galaxy and beyond. And they even plug the upcoming Cinema Wasteland in Strongsville, Ohio October 4, 5, 6. Therapy at its best.

Cinema Wasteland

Music by Psilodump and Sneak Machine

Website: Unsane Radio Website
Twitter – @radiounsane
FB – Unsane Radio

Tarr and Fether’s Psycho Cinema
Tarr and Fether on Vimeo
FB – Psycho Cinema